There is absolutely no better time for interior aesthetics than before the movers arrive with all your household furnishings and personal belongings.
The wide-open spaces necessary for efficient results when painting walls and ceilings quickly cramps productivity when floors become cluttered with furniture.
It’s amazing how quickly a new house becomes a home if you just change a few interior colors to reflect your own taste.
Walls look shabby once the previous owner’s possessions are removed; stains appear, plaster walls reveal their holes and imperfections, and… the place often doesn’t seem to smell right.
There is also no better time to paint dingy ceilings than when there’s no furniture to work around.
And what about the condition of the hardwood floors? Seldom is an improvement more dramatic than the gleaming look of freshly finished wood floors.
If you don’t take the time to refinish them before you move in, you probably never will. Same is true of wall-to-wall carpeting – steam clean carpets now to brighten them and remove possible allergens before the furniture arrives.
Turn your new home into the palace you envision it to be.
Plan a few extra days before you actually move in… and save up to 30% with the productivity that’s gained when there is no clutter!